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Cone-beam Volumetric Imaging in Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine: Fundamentals, Diagnostics, and Treatment Planning (pdf) Cone-beam Volumetric Imaging in Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine: Fundamentals, Diagnostics, and Treatment Planning (pdf) Joachim E. Zöller , Jörg Neugebauer
The demands of minimally in­vasive surgical procedures have led to the widespread use of cone beam volumetric imaging (CBVI) in dental medicine.
Color Atlas of Dental Medicine: Radiology (pdf) Color Atlas of Dental Medicine: Radiology (pdf) Friedrich A. Pasler
Today, for patients of any age, a “panoramic” radiograph that allows high diagnostic reliability with minimum radiation exposure must be acknowledged as the standard of care.
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Head and Neck Cancer Imaging, 2nd Edition (pdf) - Prof. Robert Hermans

Handbook of Orthognathic Treatment: A Team Approach (pdf) - Ashraf Ayoub, Balvinder Khambay, Philip Benington, Lyndia Green, Khursheed Moos

Trigeminal Nerve Injuries (pdf) - Michael Miloro

Fundamentals of Esthetic Implant Dentistry (pdf) - Abd El Salam El Askary

Dental Assisting: A Comprehensive Approach, 4th Edition (pdf) - Donna J. Phinney, Judy H. Halstead

Principles and Practices of Pedodontics, 3rd Edition (pdf) - Arathi Rao

Cohen's Pathways of the Pulp Expert Consult, 10e - Kenneth M. Hargreaves DDS PhD FICD FACD (Author), Louis H. Berman DDS; Diplomate American Board of Endodontics (Author)