High-Strength Ceramics: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 1E (pdf)

High-Strength Ceramics: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 1E (pdf)

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High-Strength Ceramics: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 1E (pdf)
Advances in materials science and digital technologies have revolutionized the eld of ceramic-based restorative and implant dentistry. Forward-thinking clinicians and dental technicians must negotiate this rapidly changing landscape as they evaluate these new technologies and materials to determine which ones are validated by laboratory and clinical evidence, have the potential to improve patient outcomes, and are practical for clinical application. To provide insight into these issues, the editors of this book have assembled the talents of the various stakeholders in this eld. International authorities from a variety of disciplines have come together to share expertise from the biomaterials, industry, clinical, and laboratory perspectives. The result is a book that combines thoughtful analysis of the state of the science with practical clinical advice for dentists and laboratory technicians alike. This book will provide readers with the tools to judge the research presented in the literature and incorporate best practices and advances in materials and technology into their armamentarium in a way that will bene t their patients.

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