1,001 Tips for Orthodontics and its Secrets (pdf)

1,001 Tips for Orthodontics and its Secrets (pdf)

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1,001 Tips for Orthodontics and its Secrets
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The book 1001 tips for orthodontics and its secrets has been written in a simple and didactic way for easy reading and understanding ideal for the dental student orthodontic resident or specialist. The book has a stock of more than 1000 clinical photographs in which we explains different methods to do the same meaning that point out many ways to close open or uncross a bite. Include different molar distalizers how to provide anchorage or how to close spaces in this manner multiple treatment options are shown for an identical problem orthodontic or orthopedic in nature.

This book includes the basic biochemical principles and explains how the management of anchorage is a fundamental part of treatment. It provides the superb exposition of different techniques which should help make decisions in the solution of different problems from space closure , passing through the therapeutic focuses of open and closed bites the treatment of anterior and posterior cross bites. Dental and skeletal through the polemic distalization

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