Clinical Manual for Oral Medicine and Radiology (pdf)

Clinical Manual for Oral Medicine and Radiology (pdf)

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Clinical Manual for Oral Medicine and Radiology
This manual will help the student in understanding the patient’s orofacial complaints and the subsequent step-by-step examination of oral and paraoral structures. The manual is made up of two sections, Oral Medicine and Radiology. The oral medicine section describes history-taking for regular and special cases in great detail. It also prepares and sensitises the student to the needs of patients with certain physical or mental disabilities and individuals with underlying systemic diseases. In addition, the manual also describes a step-by-step clinical examination protocol for evaluating common orofacial problems like dental caries, periodontal diseases, lymphadeno­pathy, temporomandibular disorders, orofacial pain, oral precancers and cancers, salivary gland disorders and maxillary sinus diseases. The appendix contains a compendium of commonly used medications in dental clinics, which will help students and dental practitioners to use it as a ready reference while prescribing medications to patients. A chapter on management of common orofacial problems would help private dental practitioners to manage common orofacial diseases. The Radiology section deals with traditional imaging techniques along with construction of the X-ray machine, processing and interpreting radiographs, and specialised imaging techniques of radiography. Detailed coverage of contrast radiography such as arthrography and sialography, scintigraphy, digital radiography and thermal imaging keeping in mind the expanding horizons of the imaging modalities for the head and neck region follows. The Appendix, at the end of the radiology section, gives a list of pathologic conditions and their characteristic radiographic appearances that is useful for viva-voce examinations. This manual also serves as a ready-reckoner for private dental practitioners, undergraduate and postgraduate students of dentistry.

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