Essentials of Dentistry: Quick Review and Examination Preparation (pdf)

Essentials of Dentistry: Quick Review and Examination Preparation (pdf)

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The book covers varied important topics pertaining to different specialties especially Oral Radiology, Conservative Dentistry, Periodontics, Oral Pathology, Pediatric Dentistry and Oral Surgery. The book is targeted at young graduates and students preparing for examinations and clinical practice. The book carries basic and clinical sciences topics with illustrations, tables and charts in order to make it userfriendly and attractive. Extensive coverage of important subject matter has been done so as to reduce the task of searching and referring multiple books by the reader. The material has been presented in a very precise and lucid manner so that it could be easily memorized and recollected during the examinations. The undergraduate students would surely find the contents very easy to assimilate and reproduce. The point-wise articulation and self-explanatory diagrams would surely help students cracking the examinations easily. This book is useful for undergraduate dental student community.

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