Ethics and Jurisprudence for Dentists (.EPUB)

Ethics and Jurisprudence for Dentists (.EPUB)

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The writer of this book makes but little claim to originality for most of its contents. The “Professional Ethics,” the discussion of patents, and some small portions in other parts of the book have been thought out and written without much conscious indebtedness to other writings. The portion on the general subject of ethics is derived chiefly from the “System of Ethics” by Friedrich Paulsen, translated by Frank Thilly, Professor of Philosophy in Cornell University.
The “Jurisprudence” has been derived chiefly from the “Dental Jurisprudence” by William E. Mikell, Professor of Law in the University of Pennsylvania, with some help also from the “Dental Jurisprudence” by Elmer D. Brothers, Professor of Medical and Dental Jurisprudence in the University of Illinois, and from the “Dental Jurisprudence” by William F. Rehfuss, D. D. S.

It is possible some may think that a disproportionate amount of space has been given to the subject of general ethics. It is the writer’s belief, however, that it is worth while for young men preparing themselves for any profession or any business to give some time to a study of the fundamental principles and sanctions of morality, and the powers and dispositions of mind and heart by which the conduct of life should be determined and the rules of duty should be obeyed; in other words, the virtues and duties which characterize good men. Professional ethics can have little authority and command little respect unless it is understood to rest upon the solid foundation of the general principles of morality.

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