Oral Medicine and Medically Complex Patients, 6th Edition (pdf)

Oral Medicine and Medically Complex Patients, 6th Edition (pdf)

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Oral Medicine and Medically Complex Patients, Sixth Edition provides succinct, yet comprehensive information on in-hospital care and outpatient management of the medically complex dental patient, as well as the management of non-surgical problems of the maxillofacial region. Fully revised to include up-to-date information on procedures and medications, the Sixth Edition contains over 15 additional charts and tables for rapid reference and expanded coverage on maxillofacial prosthodontics and increasingly prevalent conditions, such as ONJ.

Oral Medicine and Medically Complex Patients follows a practical approach, organizing essential information into quickly referenced tables, easy-to-read diagrams and step-by-step procedures. Replete with examples of hospital charts, operative notes, and consultations, the book provides thorough coverage of the broad scope of clinical problems and patient populations encountered by dentists. A truly must-have resource Oral Medicine and Medically Complex Patientsserves the needs of an increasing number of dental students, residents in general practice and specialty training, and practitioners engaged in the care of both hospitalized and ambulatory patients.

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